A question mark in a ball (datacurious logo)

About Data Curious

Why Data Curious?

It’s time to get curious! We engage with technology all the time that uses our personal data to understand what we’re doing, predict what we might do, and generalize what we might do. It can be daunting to know what’s going on with your personal data and what you can do to protect yourself. It’s hard to find answers to your questions - and even harder to know what questions to ask. 

We know that it can feel hopeless to do anything about your data right now. It’s not you and it’s not hopeless. To start, we’re asking you to get curious. Our goal is to help you ask the right questions, understand the answers, and be empowered to do something about it.

What is Data Curious's mission?

We envision a world where people are empowered, active participants in a dynamic, respectful data ecosystem. Our mission is to energize people to be curious about their data.

We need to have higher expectations of organizations and companies that use personal data. It’s their responsibility to explain how they’re using your data and how they’re protecting it.


To contact us, please email hello@datacurious.org. See our privacy policy for how we manage your information.


Cassia Artanegara

Illustration for Cassia Artanegara

“Privacy” has become a buzzword these days, but how much about privacy does the everyday digital consumer really understand? While so much of our lives reside in the digital realm, the level of education, information, and transparency surrounding what happens to our data once it leaves our hands remains abysmally low. As someone who works in tech, I want to be sure we take it upon ourselves to make information about data accessible to everyone, so that people can not only be informed about what’s going on, but actually be empowered to decide what happens with their data.

Jennifer Chen

Illustration for Jennifer Chen

I think there’s a common misconception that most people “don’t care” about privacy, so it’s okay for the tech industry to continue doing what we’ve always done. I think the truth is more complicated than that; sure, there’s user apathy and a sense of ‘well I have nothing to hide’, but that doesn’t mean we have to, or should, continue with the status quo. I feel there’s a lack of ground-level understanding of what data privacy actually means, and moreso, how the active actions in being proactive in your data privacy (or lack thereof) translate to in real-life outcomes. If people are going to be signing away their privacy in exchange for making a post, they should at least know what they’re getting themselves into and make that informed choice for themselves.

Nathan Good

Illustration for Nathan Good

I’ve always been a tinkerer, someone who loves technology and all the things that can be done. But a lot of the time I don’t jump at the chance to be an early adopter because the way things are built don’t meet my expectations for how data should be used. I care about technology being built in a way that safeguards my data so that I can whole-heartedly recommend it to my family and friends. Without having better answers to questions about data collection and use, I can’t do that.

Maritza Johnson

Illustration for Maritza Johnson

I want people to have the information they need to make informed choices about how to incorporate technology into their lives. We live in a world where we’re increasingly surrounded by devices and networked services all the time, yet the organizations that build them don’t seem to be taking their responsibility seriously when it comes to explaining what data's collected and how it’s used. At the same time we’re expected to trust that they have our best interests in mind. Something isn’t adding up. People have questions and they should be able to get straight answers about how things work.

Tobias Kupek

Illustration for Tobias Kupek

In a world where privacy can be seen as a hurdle, I see it as an enabler for innovation with the right approach. Data privacy is about respecting standards and humans, not locking away information. Policies can be complex, but frameworks like the GDPR in Europe, where I live, offer clear rights, empowering individuals to intervene. I'm dedicated to simplifying these complexities, ensuring everyone can make confident, self-determined choices in the digital space.

Jessica Lai

Illustration for Jessica Lai

A few years ago, the word "data" was only a hot topic in the tech world; for everyone else, it simply meant how much "digital junk" one has or can store. Now this "digital junk" is in reality "digital footprint" and has become bread and butter in our everyday lives. This gap between the two worlds became even clearer to me when I moved out of the Silicon Valley. Often, confusion and helplessness about data usage turn into paranoia and distrust. Without proper knowledge, we feel the need to sacrifice our privacy in order to gain the full benefit of technology. I am not a data expert, however I aim to bridge the two worlds through one of the easiest mediums to communicate: illustration. Using metaphors and humor, I hope to show people that data privacy isn't as scary as it sounds and can be something small to help them regain control of their data. As the laywoman guinea pig of the team, I hope to bring another perspective to the table and try to relay some common questions and misconceptions from the public.

Trish Lamanna

I believe enriching relationships are greater than transactions, vulnerability is strength, and the synthesis of multiple perspectives will always be more in tune than the sum of their parts. Data privacy reduces the negative consequences associated with modern technology, by providing the protection we need to make choices in alignment with our individual needs, wants, and desires.

Miho Nakayama

Illustration for Miho Nakayama

In today's world, technology is in almost every aspect of our lives, from communication to travel to entertainment, and even personal hygiene like brushing our teeth. Although the purpose of technology is to enhance our lives, making tasks easier and faster to accomplish, there is a growing unease. Every interaction with technology generates data often collected by companies without our explicit consent. When data breaches occur, the consequences can be daunting, causing some to abandon technology altogether. But completely disconnecting is no longer a viable option. Instead there is a need for a balance between benefiting from the technology and safeguarding our privacy. Data Curious is for those who are excited to explore technology, understanding what data is, and how to protect your privacy. Let's learn about data and privacy together!

Will Monge

Illustration for Will Monge

Curiosity is the best teacher. I love learning, but sometimes we all need a little bit of guidance. Within the topic of privacy itself, there are a few dragons that might seem daunting, but privacy is for everyone, not just technologists or lawyers; privacy is about our information, our identities, and our lives. With Data Curious, we aim to provide snackable pieces of guidance that will help you become more familiar with and more confident about our digital identities and what happens to them, so that you can make informed decisions about what matters to you.

Jessica Traynor

Illustration for Jessica Traynor

I learned about privacy and consent at a young age from my mom. She said my journal and my space were for me. No one could enter without my permission, and I could change my mind at any time. When life became more and more online, I expected that same level of privacy on the internet. Despite the amount and kind of data I have voluntarily and involuntarily submitted, I still expect the privacy — and agency — I grew up with and want to help others better understand that they too can expect privacy, agency and respect.


Victor Zhang

Vassar College '25 — Originally from Albany California, I am a computer science and English double major at Vassar, Class of 2025. Through my research in computational linguistics and human-computer interaction, I am exploring how we understand language and develop relationships with our devices. In my free time I like to read and spend time outdoors. I also have an interest in fashion, thrifting, and trying new things. Writing for Data Curious, I want to help both others and myself better understand how to navigate and protect ourselves on the internet.

University of San Diego Summer 2022

In Summer 2022, four USD students spent the summer with Data Curious. Thanks to funding from the Center for Digital Civil Society, they helped with user experience research, web development, and marketing and communication.

Alyssa Mahoe

University of San Diego, '23 — From Honolulu, Alyssa wants to help people have control of their personal information. She feels an important first step is to build understanding around what information is being shared and how. Over the summer, she developed a landscape analysis, created metrics to measure impact, and conducted internal research. Majoring in Business Analytics and minoring in Psychology, Alyssa hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Data Science. In her free time, she loves to play spikeball at the beach with her friends and hiking with her dog. 

Celine Yacoub

University of San Diego, '24 — Majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Celine believes data privacy is more relevant now than ever and finds many people don’t know the extent to which their information is being taken advantage of. She wants to help people understand how their data is being collected, interpreted, shared, and disposed of. Over the summer she worked on designing and implementing website modifications, creating a database, and sourcing new questions. From San Diego, Celine is interested in pursuing a career that involves design work. Meanwhile, she enjoys exploring different hiking trails around San Diego and playing with her friends in beach volleyball.

Clara Galusha

University of San Diego, '23 — With interests spanning tech, journalism and social impact, over the summer, Clara worked on sourcing relevant questions from the media, creating an ad campaign with the voice of San Diego, and developing the Data Curious brand. She believes privacy enables us to trust and therefore participate in the internet economy. From Marin, CA, Clara is majoring in Communications and minoring in Sociology. She loves to dance and explore museums and the outdoors.

Tommy Hogan

University of San Diego, '23 — Recognizing how intertwined our lives are with technology, Tommy spent the summer focused on developing marketing and communications for Data Curious. He worked closely with the Voice of San Diego to launch our first ad campaign. Majoring in Business Administration with a double minor in Marketing and Communications, Tommy is considering working at a startup or nonprofit after graduation. From Menlo Park, CA, he enjoys playing soccer on the USD club team and spending time with his family, and his dog Levi. 


Good Research

Data Curious is a project managed by Good Research, an organization that combines engineering, data science, and user experience expertise to help organizations develop a comprehensive approach to privacy and security that will endure. Our vision is for everyone to have the knowledge and agency to thrive in a digital world. We built this site to help people get curious about their data. Our goal is to help you ask the right questions, understand the answers, and be empowered to do something about it.

What do you want to know about data, privacy, or technology?

Data Curious is a public resource supported by Good Research LLC in collaboration with the Center for Digital Civil Society at University of San Diego.

To contact us, send us an email at hello@datacurious.org.

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